Comics - main page

What I read

Monthly issues

Here is the full list of comics that I'm getting each month (or when they come out):

I also buy some of these as TPBs (i.e. I effectively get each issue twice): Astro City, Fables, Lucifer.


There are also some comics where I wait for the paperback collections, rather than buying the individual issues:

Finished comics

The lists above refer to comics which are still being published. There are others which have finished, but which I either used to read (while they were still running), or have since purchased as back issues/collections. There are also some comics which are still being published, but which I no longer read, for one reason or another. This isn't a complete list, since there are some comics where I only ever bought one issue, but it does include a few that I particularly liked, which I would recommend:

This page was last updated on 2003-12-29 by John C. Kirk

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