This lists changes to my website in 1998. The most recent changes are at the top of this page, and the oldest ones are at the bottom. This log was started on the 10th of February, 1998; changes prior to that are not listed.
I have corrected a broken link to IANDS (the International Association for Near-Death Studies) on the page about my NDE.
I have added a link to a picture of me unmasked on my photo page.
I have added a new page containing my geek code.
I have added a new section for my creative writing efforts. This includes my short story "Psilence".
Some internal changes to HTML code, typo correction, and updates to age references (since I am now 24 rather than 23).
Following the unexpected popularity of my anosmia page, I no longer refer to it as being self-indulgent; I honestly believe that it provides a useful service to "my kind"
Another consequence of this is that I have now created another "obscure medical condition"
page, regarding tongue ties.
I have made a minor update to my acne page, mentioning a new tool I've seen for removing blackheads.
Completion (finally!) of my page about number bases.
Minor change to my CV, to include my mobile phone number (07957 231044).
Addition of a truth and lies page in my opinions section.
Minor change to the disclaimer for my opinions, to include a reference to RSACi ratings.
I have added a new section to this site, about comics. This includes my theory on the Spider-Man clone saga.
Minor change to the description of my NDE (near death experience). I am now no longer referring to this as an OBE (out of body experience), following deeper research into the phenomena.
Update to my friends page.
I have now added an opinion (finally!) - a description of my out of body/near death experience. I have also added a disclaimer for my opinions.
I have updated my CV, to show that I have become an Associate Member of the Institution of Analysts and Programmers. I have also put in links from my CV to the IAP and the BCS.
I have updated my CV, now that I have started my new job.
You can now see a photo of me.
Small change to my page about acne, to remove a comment that could be construed as sexist.
Minor changes to RSACi ratings on a couple of pages, to avoid the content being treated as worse than it actually is.
This change log added.
My CV has been updated, so that it now uses a table, and shows that I am studying COBOL.
Each web page here is now individually rated (using RSACi), in addition to the "worst case" rating that applies to the entire site.
I have now moved the links to my friends' pages to a separate page.
I have added an explanation for the name of this site (Golgotha).
My opinions page now includes some new entries, although they aren't yet linked to descriptions.
My "useful"
pages now link back to their local index, rather than to my home page at the top of this site.
The link back to my home page on my worldview page now works correctly.
A counter has been added.
There is a hierarchical map of my pages.
This page was last updated on 2003-12-29 by John C. Kirk