My home page

Change log

To save people wading through the whole site looking for changes, I am now listing them here. The most recent changes are at the top of this page, and the oldest ones are at the bottom.

24 October, 2005

Added a software section to the site.

5 June, 2005

Updated my CV.

Updated my friends page.

New opinion page: Life is like a Rubik's cube....

I've updated my film quotes page, and added a review of Spider-Man 2.

Added a new photo page for Comic Relief.

Fixed a mistake in my bases page (0011000110111010 binary = 31BA hex not 317B hex) - thanks to Brian for pointing that one out.

Fixed a mistake in the Postscript and PDF versions of my errata page for "Parallel and Distributed Algorithms" (the XML version was already correct). On pp400-401, algorithm 9.5 is testing for "A[i] <= x" not "A[i] = x" (or "A[i] < x", as it was printed in the book).

I've moved 2004's change log to a separate page.

Changes from previous years

Changes from 2004

Changes from 2003

Changes from 2002

Changes from 2000

Changes from 1999

Changes from 1998

This page was last updated on 2004-10-24 by John C. Kirk

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